Cooling products

Corner fridge

  • As big as 4–5 refrigerators
  • Space for a full week’s shopping
  • Clear overview of your food store
  • Low energy consumption


We are currently sold out of corner fridges, and it is not possible to bring in more of the current model. We are working on a new version.

Product information

Do you find it irritating to open an overfilled fridge where you can easily lose track of the contents? Packed shelves in the run-up to holidays, get-togethers for friends or a Sunday lunch with all the trimmings? Then our corner fridge could be the answer to your prayers. It is one of the biggest domestic fridges on the market, with a capacity of fully 1,161 litres – corresponding to the size of 4–5 standard refrigerators. The corner fridge is available as a free-standing unit or for incorporating into your kitchen layout. Despite its impressive capacity, the corner fridge consumes little energy.

Wave goodbye to your overstuffed refrigerator! The corner fridge has the same capacity as 4–5 standard refrigerators.

Product advantages
  • Modern and stylish layout
  • Can be integrated into all types of kitchen
  • Choose a steel front or match your other kitchen units
  • Fully 3 square metres of shelf space
  • Clear glass shelves provide excellent overview
  • Also available as a free-standing model
  • Extremely quiet
  • Completely maintenance free


Item number:
Corner fridge for integration in kitchen
Corner fridge with stainless steel door for integration in kitchen
Corner fridge with stainless steel door, free-standing

Technical information


norsk, 31/03/2022, pdf, 16.59 MB

User manual

engelsk, 28/04/2020, pdf, 1.72 MB

Technical information

engelsk, 28/04/2020, pdf, 151.59 KB

Product sheet

engelsk, 28/06/2021, pdf, 414.12 KB

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